In order to create the website of the cottage, I immediately thought of contacting Brieuc, a climber like me who I met a long time ago, when I was President of Suresnes Escalade, the climbing club in the city of Suresnes, and who is, among others, a professional web-designer.
As already done for the club, Brieuc advised me first of all to start by creating a logo, to identify at a glance the cottage and its activity. So he worked with his agency, Beautiful Seven, to create a fully customized logo that matches the cottage!
After many exchanges and brainstorming, we decided to select two main elements to characterize the cottage:
- The roof of the farmhouse: The idea is to symbolize the “accommodation” side while showing, in a stylized way, the length of this beautiful classic Morvan building!
- The tree: The garden has a magnificent lime tree over a hundred years old that I wanted to show, because this majestic tree was one of my favourite things when I first saw the farmhouse. Moreover, it symbolizes well the Morvan, its Regional Park and its greenery with its forests and meadows!
But a drawing being more meaningful than a long speech, everything becomes clear with Brieuc’s small graphic creation shown below !
I hope you will like this logo as much as I like it,
See you soon,